Publication of a downloadable white paper on pop-stores with Klepierre

couvPop-up stores, conquering a new frontier of brand expression : Klépierre,european leader of shopping centers, offers free download of its white paper, writen with QualiQuanti.

Thanks to an in-depth research based on an international watch of over several hundreds of examples, on conversations with consumers and on an exclusive analysis of semiotician Raphael Lellouche, Klepierre brings with this publication true answers to brands in search of visibility and unprecedented experiences for their clients.

With the digital revolution, the strategic question for brands is to establish a strong and direct relation with their clients. The frontier between brand’s communication and sales is blurring. Interactivity is omnipresent in stores, brand experiences enable to sell better and demanding clients expect unprecedented and priviledged experiences : we have entered the pop-up stores era. 

Here is the English version of the white paper for download.

Here is the video presentation of the book